Saturday, April 26, 2008

Beaches...Beachs...Beachelts? (Blog FlashBack)

Beaches? Beachs....How Do You Even Spell That?

My parents told me we were going to the beach and i thought of it to be more of a hassle then a privllage. Its jsut something about the sand, and how its everywhere, and how the water is soo dirty, and how theres soo many babies in diapers, and how theres cigarettes everywhere...It gives me that camp like feel when im finally ready to go home.

That feeling where you have to shower, and you feel soo soo dirty. And not the good kind. I hate the sand all over you, and it basically makes you clip your toe-nails. You hate the sand. Its just soo annoying. I might be able to have fun if i was with friends.

Now i’d take going to the beach over camping because camping is just plain retarded. I used to only like fires when i went camping but now i have a firepit so why would i bother. Its just plain pointless. Its like going back in technology. Lets leave all the stuff at home that we worked for, and go to a forrest thats buig infested, and sit around and eat food thats meant for jail-bate rapists.

Now once again camping would be more fun if it was liek for two days only, and you had friends. Honestly though, i hate bathrooms, too many spiders and god knows what else in there. I hate public bathrooms. I really fucking hate them.

I avoid these every chance i get because they just feel soo damn weird. The stalls have spaces, and i feel exposed. The toilets arn’t even a full circle, so you have to sit on an angle and then the next thing you know is your feet are pushing into the next stall, fucking weird. And as if this couldn’t get any worse, you have no idea who used the seat before you, so you could have just got crabs.

But no it gets even worse, you really had to go, and the toilet is now clogged, so your stuck in a stall, with wastes slowly filling about to erupt and what can you do. Hope to god no one is in the bathroom, and you slip over ot the next stall, you better pray to god you didn’t get any shit on you.

So say in fact you did get some poo on you. You whipe it off with toilet paper, and its now smeared on you. So what can you do? Go to the sink,
you try and wash it off, and if someone comes into the bathroom, your fucked. Girls are always like OMIGOD I GOT TOILET PAPERZ ON MAH FOOT! :’( :’( But imagine walking out of the bathroom all wet with shit on you. Thats way worse.

Just hope to god your wearing brown pants. Because if your wearing white or black, your screwed. Now if you wanna make an excuse i recommend comming back to class with a bottle of water half empty. Also spray a bunch of axe on you to cover the smell. Tell them you were drinking a bottle of water, and some older kids came up to you and dumped some of you water on you, then say they sprayed you with axe. Punch yourself in the face to show that you gave some resistance.

Well anyway, thats never happened to me, because i avoid public bathrooms. Well anyway all im trying to say here is i don’t like beaches, beachs, or beachlets, whatever.

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