Monday, May 19, 2008

I Am The Jesus of Death

The Jesus of Death

Last week a strange phenomenon happened; one of biblical proportions; I killed a fish, twice. In our science class each student had to create an ecosystem with a group of three containing 3 feeder fish, and 6 snails. Our ecosystem collapsed twice killing two of the fish also soiling our water, and after a few days, our remaining fish seemed to be giving in. 

This fish kept sinking to the bottom of the ecosystem. My theory was, the water is to filthy for him to survive, we have to switch him out of this water into cleaner water. So I managed to fish him out of the water, and he was in the little fishing net thing. But I wasn't fast enough. Our guppy had perished by my hand. 

Enraged by this I left the fish on the desk out of water, for about an hour or so due to the fact that our class had to attend an assembly. So the assembly ends, and we march back to class and I get the idea of putting the fish back in water, and strangely enough, it starts swimming again! I mean it was flopping and wiggling its little tail back and forth. 

This seemed to be a miracle, but the water was still to dirty to house the fish, so once again I tried to maneuver the fish into a separate bowl of cleaner water. However learning from the mistakes I had made the previous time, I made the cleaner water easier to access so that the fish would be out of the water for a shorter period of time. 

The resurrected fish was transferred successfully into a new tank and he seemed to be doing okay at first. But then it all changed. He started his sinking pattern once more. Slowly but surely he sank to the bottom of the water. He then passed away once more, but this time, it was for good. 

It turns out the fish died from the drastic change in water temperature, even though it was only a few degrees colder then the original temperature, the fish could not take it. I then proceeded in moving the dead corpse into a new fish tank where the bigger fish could use him as a snack. 

This is how I am The Jesus of Death.

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