Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Prision (Poem)

'Sup guys. Yeah I know its fucking wednesday, but whatever, I had stuff to do, so I didn't post monday or tuesday. To make up for it, tomorrow I'll post TWO posts. So yes, sit tight for that. Also there probably won't be a post thursday because I'm taking some ME time. So yeah, dont' miss me too much. If you DO in fact miss me a lot, then just head on over to my youtube channel: No it's not porn. So anyway, without further ediou, my latest poem:

The Prison

I miss the freedom I once had
Now it’s passed, like an old fad
The feeling of liberty, I’m losing my sanity
Without your presence, my mind screams, “Vanity”
It is not my freedom, of which is restricted
While instead it is yours- my soul feels enlisted
Into an army of loathing and hatred,
My love is forever incarcerated.

My life feels so pointless, so futile, so empty,
When you’re not around, my life’s a calamity.
Constricting me behind the bars of joy,
I’m a child, just a boy with no toy,
My life feels forever like an endless ploy.

So once again I’m left waiting for you,
Hoping you feel for me, as I do you.

You remain locked away by your hierarchy,
I remain here dieing, please come save me,
From this life that feels so obsolete
I run on forever, but am no athlete
Heal our love, make it less oblique
I do detest I am no sheikI’tempt not to woo you, make you feel special
But instead just to tell you, I am going mental.

I fell so alone, I feel so afraid
Misery triumphs, just like a parade
Please help me end this longing charade.

I’ll have you know I’d wait forever,
I may not stay sane though, however,
If you are not set free soon,
My mind, my heart, shall meet their doom.

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