Sunday, July 13, 2008

Armpits...Arm Pits? Is That Two Words Or One?


My armpits stink guys, and not like the normal teenage armpit, which just smells of BO and axe. I decided to show off my “hot bod” and that’s when I noticed, my armpits smell sort of spicy. Like a spicy tomato sauce, and the strange part is, I’m not even ITALIAN. Now its strange because if I shower, and don’t put on deodorant, it’s like I’m dipping my armpits in spices. 

That would be unpleasant I think. Would that burn? I should try that sometime. So anyway, what does the hair in an armpit do; I mean I know it’s supposed to keep the sweat in, but it fails at it. All it does is spread it, and hold in stench like an unwashed sponge. You think a sponge could take away the stink in the armpit? 

Now here’s a really logical question, do you think SpongeBob gets terrible BO. I mean think about it, he is a sponge, and those things smell if you don’t wash them. Maybe that’s why Squidward is always all nasally, cause he’s plugging his nose! 

Staying Stinky For All Of Mankind,

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Strange Conversations.

The following is a disturbing, yet hilarious conversation I had with one of my friends. Enjoy.

Polaris says:

I lol'd so hard

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

its it work safe?

Polaris says:

Depends, are octopi up people's assholes work-safe?

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

dare i click it

Polaris says:

Depends, I found it extremely funny

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

This is the weirdest thing, I have seen, in a long time

Polaris says:

I lol'd so hard though, who the hell decides "oh, I think I'll take a photo of myself with an octopus up my ass?"

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

If the shoe fits. I mean, I'm pretty sure if i had an octopus in my ass, I’d say,

“Might as well”

Polaris says:

Lmao, would  you have an octopus in your ass? Unless it happened through some freaky accident


QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

Probably not, although, it would be funny to say, i have a puss in my ass

Polaris says:

How could that happen accidentally? I slipped and sat on an octopus?

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

Or, you're a pirate and you were having sex, and suddenly a monster leaps out from behind you and mounts its self in your ass

Polaris says:

Haarr, I dunno', do octopi leap?

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

Okay, How about this: you're having sex, on the top of a ship like on the deck, and another pirate ship says, “ARRGGHHH HES HAVING HIS WAY.” and then they catapult an octopus at his anus.

Polaris says:


QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:


QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

it has a mouth

Polaris says:

BUt how the hell would it get jammed in there?

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

you're on top, so your ass is like in the air, and it slides in like a swoosh in basketball

Polaris says:


QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

and it turns out the octopus is allergic to colons so it swells up and gets stuck

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

i mean, an octopus can fit in the tinyiest of wholes

Polaris says:

How the hell do you know?

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

i watched, PMK as a kid

Polaris says:

"Hrr yes I spend my free time fitting octopi into various orifices and holes"

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

Hahhahahahahaa, It was on popular mechanics for kids, I know alot of stupid shit because of that show.

For some reason ,i was soo astounded by it

Polaris says:

"And on our next segment, we're going to discuss the procedures for catapulting octopi into people's anuses from a talking ship" That'd be the best thing on TV, ever. Tell me more stupid shit you learned

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

Its more of a recolection thing, I remember something about peanut butter ice cream tasting like shit

Polaris says:

I bet it looks like shit too

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

I'd eat it

Polaris says:

Really? I don't like peanut butter anything much :\

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

Peanut butter everything is awesome, think about it, whens the last time you tried something with peanut butter, and it was worse.

Polaris says:

peanut butter horsecock

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

it'd be better then normal horsecock

Polaris says:

Depends on how you're thinking of it, are you eating it? Are you being pounded with it? Anally?

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

either way, it'd taste better

Polaris says:

Is it horsecock made of peanut butter? Or horsecock covered with peanut butter? Maybe it shoots peanut butter?

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

and it'd slide better

Polaris says:


QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

I don't want to eat peanut butter anymore

Polaris says:

my mission is complete

Polaris says:

now every time you eat peanut butter you'll think of horsecock >:]

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

Actually, right now, I'm smacking my head off of a desk, trying to suppress this memory

Polaris says:


Polaris says:

God, this is ridikalus

QMav- Happy Birthday Katherine. says:

I think i may post this on my blogger page