Sunday, August 24, 2008



Trying is a real pain in the ass. No matter how hard you try in life, sometimes you won’t succeed, and its bullshit. You’ll work so hard and you won’t even get recognition for it, just a metaphorical foot to the balls. You’ll work till it hurts, and there isn’t a reward. There should be a reward for trying.

There comes a point when you’ve tried so hard to achieve your goals. You feel numb from the pain of trying, and you don’t do it you fail. You then question why you try so hard to make it, when you fail and get no recognition for it. Just because you don’t win, doesn’t mean you did your best. But you never see someone giving out an effort award. Only pain marks the force of trying. So what can you really do? 

Just keep on trying.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Part TWO

“Broken Toe”

The next day everyone at school was confused about why Tim’s toe was broken. Tim decided to make it more entertaining than it really was. “Well I was walking home from school and I saw this man. He didn’t seem very suspicious at first. He was just walking down the street beside a women carrying a child in one of those little baby pouch things.” By now most of the class is listening in on his conversation he was having with his friends. “This man then pulled a knife on her and he asked for the kid. I became nervous. I frantically searched around for a blunt weapon to help the women with. Obviously the man didn’t know I was there.” 

Soon this became more of a group activity. Everyone wanted to hear the story. “I couldn’t find anything so I ran across the street. By now the man had cut the woman and he was going to steal the child. I didn’t know what to do so I just swung my foot at his sack hoping that would knock him off balance. He collapsed by the awesome force of my kick. I felt like Chuck Norris. He was knocked un-conscious by the raw power of my kick. I then realized my cell phone was dead, so I pick the bleeding woman up on my shoulders. I carried her and her child for 7 blocks all the way to a hospital. If it wasn’t for me she would have died from blood loss. The doctor then told me that I had a broken toe. I reckon it was broken on his nuts. Brings a whole new meaning to balls of steel eh?”

Of course the story changed from time to time. There were line ups at lunch of people wanting to hear about how Tim broke his toe. “The fire didn’t burn me too bad, it was all about the orphans-“ Tim was cut off by a girl around the same age as him. 

“Tim, how did you actually break your toe. There hasn’t been a fire on campus in years.” She didn’t seem too pleased with Tim’s fibbing. She wanted to the truth. This girl had hair that fell like a water fall. Straight like a man at a strip club. It was a brownish red color. Tim had seen this girl around and he had made a few remarks to her. She was a fairly attractive woman. 

“I’ll tell you under one condition, dinner and a movie. “ She seemed discontent. “What you aren’t going to turn down a cripple are you? You’re going to reject me my dying wish?” Tim was determined to see if he could get her. 

“How are you dying is a broken toe.” She said in a mildly amused tone. 

“Oh so now I’m a liar? First you reject a cripple, then you call me a liar? HEY EVERYONE!” Tim began hobbling around on one leg calling the girl a cripple hater. “AND SHE EVEN CALLED ME A CRIPPLE FIBBER! AND THEN SHE STEPPED ON MY TOE AND SPAT ON ME!” A crowd was beginning to start. 

She then gave into Tim’s demands. Tim liked to call this method the “Terrorist Approach.” 


Two weeks had passed since Tim and Alice started dating. 

Tim was finally going to the hospital to get his toe-cast removed. Alice decided to go with him to get it removed. The same “breast-doctor” that was with Tim before was assigned to him again.

Once again she seemed angry about something. It turns out the cast was in pretty rough condition so she began to lecture him again. Tim’s ADD sense kicked in. He began fantasizing about Alice removing the cast with her mouth, which apparently in Tim’s mind was sexually arousing. She started moaning after holding the cast. 

Tim sported an erection from this…erotic? Fantasy. He then snapped back to reality with a beaming hard-on. Unlucky for him, his sweat pants made a tent shape. This was definitely strange for Tim. But the stranger part was the way the doctor and Alice reacted. Suddenly they couldn’t control themselves and they hopped on him. Soon enough Tim started to get “really excited.” Then the fireworks came. 

This is when Tim realized that was also a fantasy, although his pants felt damper. He was wearing jeans, so his erection may have been concealed. Alice never mentioned it so Tim assumed all was well.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Part UNO

There were no clever remarks that day. Not a single smile or a single laugh. There were no snorts of joy, no radiance of bliss, emitting from his skull. Just a dull silent feeling as he sat in his chair. As barren as the Sahara, a tear slid down his cheeks. The women he loved for so many years was now in front of him, dead, and she didn’t even know it. His legs couldn’t support the weight he felt on his shoulders, nor could his soul. The emptiness engulfed him like a an oceansjaw. “Good bye,” he whispered as he left.




Pain can usually be avoided when you’re fully conscious but when you’re fatigued it’s hard to realize when something is existing. Strange noises are followed by this like for instance the sound of a head smashing off a metal bar. “Owwww! What in the bloody hell?” An adolescent groans as he smacks his head off of a pole on a bunk bed. He yawns and steps out of his bed. Another interesting noise would be one of a teenage man falling flat on his ass. “Gumrphhghg. Since when do I have jacks in my room?” The man scratches his head as he walks towards his dresser. Another strange noise could be one of a toe getting crushed against a vertical object. Blood splurted on the floor and the man was rushed to the emerge. 

This is Tim. 

“Is it broken?” Tim asks the doctor. The doctor chuckled a bit and responded with a rhetorical question. The doctor was a tall yet slender woman with a name that make Tim chuckle a little bit on the inside.

“What do you think?” She responded to Tim. “Your bone broke the skin.” Tim looks to the side in disappointment with himself. “You’ve busted it up pretty bad. But it should be okay in a couple of weeks as long as you keep this cast on.”

“Coulda been worse,” Tim responded in an upbeat tone. The doctor looks at him with mild discontent. “I could have broken two toes.” Tim smiles. The doctor does not. “Sigh..” 

“You’re lucky you’re medical insurance covers this. Or else this might have cost a pretty penny.” For some reason Tim felt like he was getting lectured. She blabbered on for ages about medical care, and how he is fortunate to live in a country in which medical care is free for adolescents. It wasn’t long before Tim’s eyes started to wander. They drooped down to the woman’s breasts. It was then that the doctor realized Tim wasn’t listening, so she departed from the bed in which he sat upon. “You’re free to go Tim.” 

Friday, August 8, 2008

Regarding "Kitten Catching"

So on Youtube I promised to post any updates on kittens the cat, and thats basically what this is. So I went to visit Kittens a couple hours before he was dropped off and let me tell you, that Cat is gorgeous. I mean it was an awesome cat in every aspect, in fact I like it more then my cat; my cat sucks. This kitten was so playful, although it had really long claws, so as far as I know right now, me and my girlfriend have some diseases. 

So theres a reason I havn't really written anything down in a while, its mainly because I've started this REALLY LONG story thing. Like right now it's at about five and a half pages, although I have writers block, so it might be a while before it's finished. I CAN however post the first couple parts from it. 

I'll post it sunday or something.

Talk to you all later,
