Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Social Extinction

Social Extinction


The animal in me was the animal in you

It dwelled in your veins before vanity grew.

It cast itself out, to bring its demise,

While hiding behind some shameless disguise.


It poaches the weak, and hides from the strong

This gentle giant indeed does no wrong.

Surviving the battle so simply mundane,

While dismay slowly pierces the brain.


The animal in me knows not of emotion,

While all of his brothers drown in the ocean.

Its only friend - polar extinction,

Claiming and killing every distinction.


The bear of the north, so proud and so brave

Slides now to the water, to stay in his grave.

With only a needle to keep him afloat,

Filled with formaldehyde, to wear as a coat.


The youth of today, unlike the bear,

Knows not of compassion, or how to care.

Not one person left, who lives like me,

For they all lay dormant, under the sea.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rough Draft - The Best Day of My Life

The Best Day of My Life

These cold eyes stiffly enveloped everything he ever was, and everything he could have become. These were the eyes of a woman who was hurt- a woman who, in her own perspective, had done no wrong. Ignorance is not bliss, and her eyes made this clear. They both stood frozen in the walkway on this cold winter morning. She started blankly at him waiting for a wise crack, or a joke, but to her own demise, none would come. Her lip began to quiver, as her eyes began to water. The boy stood there reflecting on how one sentence could create such social chaos. He knew this wouldn’t be easy, but it had to be done.

Three minutes prior to the emotional suicide, the boy had been thinking of a way to set their souls asunder. The tension rose within, and began to foam along his tongue until he finally blurted out, “We need to break up.” At first there was a marvelous silence, as if a long war had just ended. However, it was the calm before a great calamity. At first, silence, and then a great flood, followed by an engulfing feeling of darkness and regret.

Her body began to writhe as if she had swallowed some great poison, a poison she had made the boy swallow a few times before. Once in February with a phallus shaped discussion with a third party. It happened again once more the following August, with a man, a bed, and a phrase only meant to be shared by two. This naïve boy dreamt of a life less futile and ambiguous, with more definition and delight. Although the outcome would be serine, the road there would be treacherous.

Without any knowledge on the matter, the boy apologized. Although in his mind she was the culprit, he shifted the blame onto his own shoulders to martyr his own disposition on the matter. He was his own antithesis. He pulled her close to push her away, so that she would become not a weaker woman, but a stronger one, who needn’t rely on him to support her. This sudden feeling of dismay caused a surge of emotion to erupt. With no previous exposure to such feeling, she began a bipolar sonata.

Before long, a duet of mourning began. Although it was a lesser magnitude, the boy felt as numb as his wintered exterior. The sight of her sobbing corpse was the saddest sight he’d ever seen; an overwhelming feeling of guilty held authority over him. One last kiss, as lifeless as her essence, was given, and they stumbled reciprocal.

This was the best day of his life.

Elysian lifestyle was but a short saunter away. The boy dragged his feet through the snow as to not forget the path that led him to this point. Although there were no thoughts of regret, his self-reflection was still autonomous. He had created a great sorrow for someone he once held dear, and despite the fact that his heart was placed otherwise, he still felt a level of remorse for his former lover. This melancholy struck him astonished. He was ill-equipped to deal with a problem border lining her suicide. Could ignorance bring bliss to him in such a scenario? Ignorance was irrelevant at such a time considering liberation from such a problem would be purely unfathomable.

As the snow pooled at his feet, he pulled out his phone, and began to make a phone call. Once his best friend answered the phone, he started to explain his story. “So I broke up with her.” His best friend was very intrigued. “Things just weren’t working out. I couldn’t handle the constant fighting, and the explosive mood swings- not to mention her lack of interest towards me. I mean, it’s almost as if she didn’t love me anymore, ya know? I just need to trust someone if I’m going to be with them, and I couldn’t trust her, I just couldn’t.” Irony would never shine so bright. “I think I should tell you everything. I mean yeah, what I said before was definitely a LARGE part of why I broke up with her, but there’s more. I love someone else, and she feels the same way back. I mean, she’s like the coolest person I’ve ever met, and whenever I was with my girlfriend-ex-girlfriend, I was constantly thinking about this other girl. And I mean, when someone is on your mind twenty-four seven, even on your one year anniversary, that’s gotta be love right?”

“Well, who is it?” The best friend asked. There was a lot of underlying tension in his question. A spark of unconscious jealousy arose.

“Katherine. I was reluctant to tell you anything, because I thought you might have had a bit of a crush on her, and I didn’t want to hurt your feelings or anything. But I just had to tell you, ya know? I had to tell someone.” At first there was silence. The friend was collecting himself.

“I did like her, but don’t worry, it wasn’t really that much. I’m glad you guys are together.” He deceived.

“Thanks man, that really means a lot. Wanna hang out today?”

“I can’t. I’m busy,” he continued with his futile deception.

“Just for like, an hour or so? What-d-ya say. Come on, I think we should all talk about this.” The boy’s naivety would surely bring about his own social self-destruction. Ignorance was not bliss.

“Alright Mav, but only for a little bit.” He unwillingly gave his liberty to Maverick to pan-handle.

As Mav walked back towards his best friend, and his newly found girlfriend, he reflected on the life altering decisions he had just made. Like a recently desceased fire, Mav still had a few cinders keeping the fire going. These small cinders of hope were all he had to keep him from collapsing into the cold wet snow, and subduing himself to mental and physical sub-zero annihilation. He just had to keep them lit long enough for someone to rekindle the feeling he needed most.

As he met her warm embrace they headed towards his friend. The meeting was more awkward then anyone could’ve perceived. As Mav stood to the side, his friend began to mentally criticize the two of them. Although his questions guised sincere, there was pure malice behind them. Mav began to speak. “There was a kiss.” All was silent. “It happened a couple of days ago, and it was the most wonderful feeling I’ve ever experienced.”

His acquaintance was disgusted, even if his face was devoid of emotion. He choked, “I’m happy for you guys. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” He paused. “Don’t you think you should tell your ex?” Justice was his main concern, no matter the emotional product. Mav had a different approach.

“I think I’ve already hurt her enough for now. I’d rather tell her when she doesn’t care anymore, at least that way, she won’t be completely hurt, and she won’t have trust issues in the future, ya know?” The third party did not like this, but he nodded and disbanded.

Four days later, as the two lived there Elysian lifestyle, a phone call was received. Mav answered. A distressed voice began, “So Mav, why did you dump me? Honestly.”

Although the question bore rhetorical roots, he answered anyway. “I told you five times already, I didn’t love you anymore, and you should be with someone who does.” Sweat solidified on the palms of his hands.

Unconvinced, she continued to prod. “So it wouldn’t have anything to do with a kiss then? Why would you even lie to me? I hate her.” She cried, but her tears did not freeze. A feeling of belligerence and urgency rose underneath Mav’s cold exterior. Katherine did not deserve the inevitable forthcoming events.

“I didn’t want to hurt-“

“Bullshit Mav. Could you be honest with me just once? Just once!” Trust, the one thing he lacked in her, was the thing she desired the most. “I could tell you always liked her more than me. You were always happier with her around, and you would ignore me whenever she was around. Just stop lying, I’m done with this. Bye.” The uneasy dissonance sparked an innate rage towards his best enemy.

A confrontation was had, which lead to a heated exchange of malice and dominance leaving the antithesis victor. Justice prevailed, and it would always. As his best friend flaked away, his other friends surely followed, leaving Maverick and Katherine alone together.